What is the thing which Once poured out, Cannot be g

My first letter is in football but isn't in shoot,My

What is it That makes tears without sorrow And takes

As long as I live 1 eat,But when I drink I die.

I love to dance And twist and prance, I shake my tai

What has Six legs, two heads,But walks On four feet?

What is it? The more you take from it,The larger it

What lives in winter,Dies in summer,And grows with i

My first letter is in window but not in pane,My seco

I saw a man in white,He looked quite a sight.He was

My first letter is in chocolate but not in ham

Can you name five days of the week without saying: M

What kind of dog never can bite and bark?

Which candle burns longer:a black one or a white one

Why does a cook wear a high,white hat?